Here’s the overview of the technologies and tools used, to build the web service. In the next post, I’ll start diving into why I chose these tools.
Operating Systems: OSX, Linux Ubuntu
Integrated Development Environment (IDE): VS Code, Jupyter Notebooks
Package Management: Anaconda, Apt, Pip
Revision Control and Related Tools: Git, GitHub, Github Actions, Github Pages, Github Issues
Coding Languages: Python, BASH
Noteable Python Libraries: Selenium, Pandas, Boto
Unit tests and Test Coverage: PyTest
Markup Languages: Markdown, JSON, YAML
Cloud Services via Amazon Web Services (AWS): IAM, EC2, S3, CloudFront, ECS, ECR, Fargate, Route 53, CloudWatch, EventBridge, Certificate Manager, Secrets Manager
Containerization: Docker
Domain Registrar: Namecheap
Next: Operating Systems